At Home with Family
Message from Caitlin aged 13 years

Caitlin – artist and digital tech maven from South Australia, aged 13 years.
I use technology every day. Probably like you, I have been using technology all my life.
I use digital technology to video call family and friends, read electronic books, surf the web, do my homework, play video games, write stories, take photos, write code, create movies, publish websites, build and play with robots and more.
But art is my favourite. I love creating art in the digital world and in the real world.
So, art and technology are ‘my thing’. What’s yours? Sport? Music? Dance? Gaming?
How are you going to change the world? And how will digital technology help you?
Have fun with the Commissioner’s Digital Challenge!

Learn to Speak Robot – A coding challenge for children aged 7 to 12 years. All you need is a laptop or PC that has access to the Internet and then you’re good to go!
You will have completed the Challenge when you have finished any four of the Learn to Speak Robot activities on offer. Each activity may take you about an hour to complete, but this will vary according to your skill level. There are hundreds of activities to choose from. But don’t worry – if you are new to coding, the Beginners Guide is a great place to start.

Space to Dream – Your Challenge is to design a toy or gadget for a child or young person your age who is moving to Mars using design thinking. You will learn to use the five step ‘Design Thinking’ process to help you create your design. You can either create your design using the free 3D design tool supplied by Makers Empire or hand draw your designs onto your ‘MAKE IT!’ Design Sheet.

Zoom Out! is a quick, systems thinking Challenge. To complete Zoom Out all you need is complete just one of the three activities on offer. If you’re working by yourself, the online simulation is the best place to start. It can be finished in roughly 10-20 minutes. If you’re in a group, then check out the group activities on offer too.

In this digital age, being a SmartParent is about embracing shared family screen time.
Your role in your child’s digital learning journey
You play an important role on your child’s digital learning journey.
Regardless of what they are learning at school, the more you do with your children at home to build their digital skills, the further they will get.
Learn along with them
The Commissioner’s Digital Challenge gives families a way to get involved in digital learning, even if you have limited experience with digital, design or systems thinking. Before you know it, you’ll have learnt some interesting skills yourself!
A shared experience
Most of all, you’ll be strengthening your relationship with your child and encouraging them to keep communicating with you when it comes to technology and what is helpful and what is not. They rely on you as a trusted adult in their life to guide them and if you can establish trust around technology and explore with them from a young age they will be more likely to develop good habits that include checking in with you when they need to.
The Challenge Activities
Mix it up or take all four from the same page.
Hour of Code
Coding with Star Wars®, Minecraft®, Disney characters from Moana® and Frozen®, Angry Birds®, NBA® and more.
Grok Hour of Code
Code Club Australia
CS Unplugged
You’ll only need items like chalk, paper, pens, pebbles, bits ‘n’ bobs and your digital thinking brain.
Works well as a group activity.
Use the free online micro:bit simulator here to make a flashing heart or a game where you can play ‘rock paper scissors’. Plus lots more to try here.
DTH lessons
Don’t know where to begin?
Guide for beginners

Cody Button’s Recommended Activities for Newbies
Cody Buttons, the Commissioner’s Robot, likes to help human beings so has prepared this handy guide setting out recommended lessons to complete the Challenge for beginners.
Code a dance party
Unplugged version available for those without devices.
Coding with Minecraft
Code with Star Wars
Rock Band
Make cute monsters with block-based coding
Completion Form
To claim your official Certificate, you will need to record which
four activities you completed via the online Challenge Completion Form

Access the full range of free resources, videos, materials and challenges to take you further on your digital learning journey.

Ally Watson
CEO & Co-Founder - Code Like A Girl

Paul Clapton-Caputo
Leader at Learning Technologies, Leadership Development, Department for Education ǀ Director at Educators SA ǀ Principal Consultant at EdTechSA

Professor Katrina Falkner
Lead, Computer Science Education Research (CSER) Group | Lead, Centre for Distributed and Intelligent Technologies - Modelling and Analysis

Dr Rebecca Vivian
Research Fellow, Computer Science Education Research (CSER) Group

Professor James Curran
Academic Director at Australian Computing Academy | Director at National Computer Science School | CEO of GROK Learning
Acknowledgement of Country
We respectfully acknowledge and celebrate the Traditional Owners of the lands throughout South Australia and we pay our respects to their Elders – and to past, present and future generations of their children and young people.
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Website by Education Web Solutions